When it’s time to register a .com domain name, our registrar of choice is Namesilo.com
They have the best customer service and support system out there, replying to our support tickets sometimes in minutes.
They have the most competitive prices around, beating Godaddy and other big registries with no up selling.
Other Features Include
Domain Defender to keep your names safe
Two Factor Authorization to protect entry to your control panel
Fully integrated marketplace with the lowest escrow prices around 7.5%
Custom For Sale landing pages
Domain Link Manager to keep track of domain names at other registrars
Many payment options including Bitcoin
Discount Program if you add account funds before purchase
Best Customer Support In The Business
We have been using Namesilo.com for 10 years, and the quality of service, ease of using the control panel to manage your business, as well as the many other features makes this the registry of choice for us.